March 23 is when I fly out of here...27 days.
I will arrive in Kabul on the morning of the 25th which is the first day of their weekend. Work starts on Saturday March 27 go figure.
In the meanderings of my cobalt blue brain, I can see that this chapter of my life could be full of new experiences and world view understandings and this "job" may evolve into a wonderful opportunity both financially and personally. (I added this because my daughter Natalie thought the rest of this posting was too depressing. See her comment below) I love you Natalie. She is sitting here going through all the music for her upcoming lead role in the school musical "Once On This Island" based on novel My Love My Love by Rosa Guy.
Another awesome thing is that prodigal son Max will be coming out over spring break to hang with us in between his climbing trips. How cool is that!
In the meanderings of my cobalt blue brain, I can see that this chapter of my life could be full of new experiences and world view understandings and this "job" may evolve into a wonderful opportunity both financially and personally. (I added this because my daughter Natalie thought the rest of this posting was too depressing. See her comment below) I love you Natalie. She is sitting here going through all the music for her upcoming lead role in the school musical "Once On This Island" based on novel My Love My Love by Rosa Guy.
Another awesome thing is that prodigal son Max will be coming out over spring break to hang with us in between his climbing trips. How cool is that!
On a more somber note: The anvil of realization is beginning to dent my skull. Part of me is in a far distant realm where everything is as it should be although my inner Mr. Hyde is screaming at the top of his lungs. Kind of like that painting "the silent scream", hands to the cheeks, mouth opened, no sound coming out. Like I am yelling in the vacuum of space somehow cuz if I truly yell outloud, right now, something might break and that would be bad. Not good. Not going there. For now. So there you have it.
I don't think any of these freaky thoughts are from fear for my safety, more like "what have I got myself into" fear of flying. But fly I shall. I thought this blog might be a good way to let you all know what is going through my mind and as a future sidebar, what life in the "compound" is like in Kabul.
I will apologize in advance if I go on an on about something or other, or wax poetic in a disembodied stupor, or rail and gnash my political teeth to bloody stumps. You will forgive me for that. It all comes from the heart and soul where all my demons survive in semi-anguished harmony. The demons have no choice really. They have hung in there with me for years and I have done a pretty good job of keeping them in check so far dontcha know, but I sense that this experience, this vault into the unknown will unearth thoughts and emotions buried. Or at least I would like to think that...kinda like how is that hope-y chang-y thing working for you. (ha ha ha a Sarah Palin quote, shoot me now)
So onward and upward through the fog I will go, trying to trust this "adventure" the world has pushed in front of me. Funny, this path doesn't look at all like gleaming light and soaring voices. I can't say it looks dark, it is just not the colorful Dali-esque masterpiece that I would imagine my life's summation would put forth in understand, powdered slopes full of hot tubs, breasts and great food, velvet paintings of Elvis and strong drink surrounded by smiling friends looking smugly satisfied in all they see...but I digress
Fuck all , I am going to Afghanistan. See the look on my face. To work. And the voices in my head chime, "This too will pass my friend, this too will pass".
Get on with this to will pass thing...I am as ready as I will ever be to floor this Ferrari of serendipity...
great peace to all...and to three weeks to "the leaving"